First impression quotes
First impression quotes


Suspects, including Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Dorothy Parker, Georgeīernard Shaw, and many other folks who are known to have said a lot of Pithy sayings are widely misattributed (often to the usual

first impression quotes

Tracking a quote like this one to its true origin is sometimes Or maybe both Will and Oscar lifted the quote from Mark Twain? 12:22 PST Maybe Will Rogers never met an Oscar Wilde quote he didn't like. I just thought it might provide a good avenue of The Will Rogers Memorial for over twenty years, so I can't proveĪnything. Having seen a plaque there which bore the quote.

first impression quotes

My remark about the Will Rogers Memorial is based upon my memory of List a date/source for when Will said this? And if it is Rogers, how Pink, does the Will Rogers Memorial Center 07:33 PST Pafalafa, Pink's Will Rogers attribution indicates the expression is If not, would information on the 1966 usage do the trick? Works, but perhaps someone else will find something I overlooked. I didn't see any evidence of it all in older works, including literary 20:47 PST I found a 1966 use as an advertising slogan (good old Madison Avenue). But my first choice is for you to find the Used - the way William Safire does it his "On Language" columns in If WildeĬan't be confirmed, I would accept the first record (year) of it being Where did this quote originate? Who said it first? A lot of sitesĬredit Oscar Wilde, but don't verify a specific source.

first impression quotes

So you should definitely be mindful of how you deliver your statements."You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Sometimes the way a person delivers their sentences or statements is a complete deal breaker regarding the first impression that they give. Have you ever heard the saying "It's not what you say but rather how you say it?" This statement alone speaks volumes and can make or break a first impression. Looking away could make you seem standoffish, while eye contact could lead them to see you as attentive.

  • When someone comes up to speak with you at an event, nonverbal communication, such as tone of voice and body language, will determine whether the person is likely to form a positive first impression or a negative one.
  • The act of smiling can help you make a first impression as friendly or approachable, and good posture conveys confidence.
  • If someone notices you from the other side of the room, what will their first impression be? Smiling and standing up straight, in a way that indicates good posture, can help you make a positive first impression.

    The way you dress, how you behave and how eloquently you speak can help you make a first impression as a candidate who is professional and astute.

    first impression quotes

    If you’d like the interviewer to describe you as professional and astute, then make sure you present yourself in a way that’s likely to leave that kind of first impression.

  • If you’re going on a job interview, consider what impression you want to make on the interviewer.
  • This is why it is crucial that you give off the right vibe at all times. Words can be tricky, especially when it comes to describing the first impression that someone may have of you.


    In addition to knowing how to describe a first impression, it’s also a good idea to consider what kind of first impression you may make on other people.

    First impression quotes